Financial market infrastructures (FMIs) have been supporting the transformation of the world’s capital markets for decades. 由于实物证券的非物质化始于1990年
1970s, the world’s FMIs have underpinned the evolution of the financial markets by providing scalable, 弹性和可信赖的基础设施,行业可以建立.
在整个旅程中,存托信托 & 结算公司(存), Clearstream and Euroclear have played a pivotal role in helping the world’s capital markets adopt and benefit from transformational technologies. 虽然我们在不同的地区开展业务, 在不同的规管制度下, 利用技术提高效率的目标, 流动性, maintain high degrees of resilience and ensure the safe continuity of financial markets is central to our strategies.